25 Mart 2008 Salı

39- The Kidneys' Selectivity Is Not the Work of Chance

The kidneys constantly cleanse the blood flowing through the body. They send back some of the substances they filter to be re-used at a later date, and secrete useless and harmful substances from the body. How are the kidneys able to make these chemical distinctions? How can they differentiate between protein, urea, sodium, glucose and other substances?

In the kidneys, structures known as "glomerules" formed from capillary vessels decide what is to be retained and what gotten rid of. How can a structure of flesh decide how much of one substance is to be expelled and how much to be kept? Could it be blind coincidence-or did unconscious atoms, which have never received any training in chemistry, physics or biology, form this selective attribute of the kidneys? Of course not! All these are some further proofs of God's flawless creation.

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