25 Mart 2008 Salı

38- Blood Cells Capable of Differentiating between Useful and Harmful Substances

Blood as it flows through the capillaries collects waste products from the cells. It carries them to the kidneys, where these substances are filtered out. The carbon dioxide produced as a byproduct of cells is carried by the blood to the lungs, and from there it is expelled from the body.

The red blood cells in the veins and arteries are able to differentiate between useful and harmful substances in an exceedingly aware manner, and are well aware which gasses they must deposit where. For example, they never carry harmful gasses to the kidneys or waste products to the lungs. Neither do they take waste products to organs requiring nourishment. The manner that blood cells perform their functions without ever making a mistake or suffering any confusion or delays indicates that a supreme Consciousness controls, supervises and organizes them. It is evident tha38- Blood Cells Capable of Differentt it is the Almighty God Who bestows all these characteristics on the blood and creates a perfect circulatory system.

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