4 Kasım 2007 Pazar

35- Bone Cells That Sculpt Cannot Be the Products of Chance

The cells found in bone known as osteoclasts enable changes in the shape and size of bones and let them in time increase to adult dimensions by carving away in certain areas of bone. They also decrease the size of protrusions on the bone surface. During the demolition process performed by osteoclasts, other cells known as osteoblasts begin to form new bone tissue to reconstitute the skeleton.

The cells perform the same task within the bones of every human being. They all know how to reduce and shape the bone surface. Aware of the differences between the skull and the thigh bone, they know how to shape any given bone, when to stop its growth, and how thick or thin the eventual bone is to be. These cells prepare the body's skeleton with the greatest care, just like a sculptor. It is Almighty God Who inspires every step taken by these cells that creates the hardness, length, shape, protrusions and cavities of every part of the skeleton.

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