4 Kasım 2007 Pazar

34- A Defense System with a Memory and a Laboratory

Some antigens-foreign bodies and microbes-endanger human beings by entering the bloodstream. When this happens, the defense cells try to eliminate these antigens by producing substances known as antibodies or else prevent them from multiplying.

The most surprising, and important, characteristic of antibodies is their ability to recognize hundreds of thousands of microbes that are completely different in nature and to prepare themselves to destroy them. What's really interesting is that there are antibodies that can recognize even artificial antigens produced in the laboratory and introduced inside the human body.

How is this cell able to recognize hundreds of thousands of different cells? In addition, how does it acquire information about an artificially produced substance? Moreover, antibodies are able to immediately produce effective weapons to be used against the invader-a process that presents an insoluble dilemma for evolutionists.

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