4 Kasım 2007 Pazar

31- The Human Eyeball Is More Complex and Efficient Than the Most Advanced Camera

With its 40 basic components, the human eye provides a better image and clarity than even the most advanced digital camera. In order for the eye to be able to see at all, every one of these 40 components need to be fully functional at the same time, able to work together in harmony. If even one of these components is absent, the eye is effectively blind. In the same way that a workable camera cannot emerge in stages as its component parts are assembled haphazardly, neither can the eye have formed in stages and as the result of chance mutations.

32- The Human Brain Is Organized in a Highly Complex and Superior Way

The analytical power of our brains is many times superior to that in computers. The brain has a total capacity equivalent to that of an average of 1,000 computers. Since it is impossible for even a single computer to have come into being by chance, it is utterly nonsensical to suggest that such a magnificent structure as the human brain originally did so..

The brain consists of some 100 billion nerve cells, which communicate with one another by way of connection points known as synapses. There are 10,000 synapses in every neuron, so that any one neuron can communicate with 10,000 other neurons at the same time. The number of synapses in the human brain is estimated to be around 1 quadrillion-enabling 1,000,000,000,000,000 acts of communication. The transistors in computers, analogous to the brain's nerve cells, have only six connection points.

The fastest computer in the world can perform an average of 109 processes per second. The brain can manage 1015 (that is, 10,000,000,000,000,000 actions per second.) In addition, the computer has a memory capacity of 1011 bytes (a byte being the smallest unit of information capable of being recorded on a computer). Compare that to the brain's capacity of 1014. In other words, the human brain has a capacity equivalent to that of 1,000 computers.

It is absolutely impossible for chance to organize the brain cells in such a way as to give rise to such a dazzling communications network. This system is far more complex and wondrous than Internet technology, one of the greatest developments of the 20th century. Internet technology-indeed, even the simplest telephone switchboard system cannot form by chance. People are well aware that engineering, design, information, and intelligence are all essential for such technology. How, then, can they still manage to claim that the brain's far more extraordinary system came into being by "evolution"-by slow, incremental chance?

There is no doubt that this is the result of blind devotion to the theory of evolution. But approaching matters in an unprejudiced manner can clearly reveal the full glory inherent in humanity's creation.

33- The Bacterial "Whip" that Baffles Evolutionists

The Bacterial Flagellum

Certain bacteria use a microscopic whip or flagellum to propel themselves through their liquid environment. This organic engine does not run on the energy kept in a ready state in the ATP molecules inside the cell. Instead, it has its own particular source of energy: The bacterium uses the energy it receives from a flow of acid from the membrane. Some 240 separate proteins make up the bacterial whip. Scientists say that these proteins emit signals to turn the microscopic engine on and off and form joints that permit movement at the atomic level.

This complex structure in the bacterial flagellum alone is sufficient to demolish the theory of evolution. The whip itself has a structure, which can by no means be reduced to a simple form. If only a single molecular piece that constitutes the whip were absent or defective, the flagellum would not function and would therefore be of no use to the bacterium. This yet again clearly reveals the invalidity of the theory of evolution's claim of "gradual development."

34- A Defense System with a Memory and a Laboratory

Some antigens-foreign bodies and microbes-endanger human beings by entering the bloodstream. When this happens, the defense cells try to eliminate these antigens by producing substances known as antibodies or else prevent them from multiplying.

The most surprising, and important, characteristic of antibodies is their ability to recognize hundreds of thousands of microbes that are completely different in nature and to prepare themselves to destroy them. What's really interesting is that there are antibodies that can recognize even artificial antigens produced in the laboratory and introduced inside the human body.

How is this cell able to recognize hundreds of thousands of different cells? In addition, how does it acquire information about an artificially produced substance? Moreover, antibodies are able to immediately produce effective weapons to be used against the invader-a process that presents an insoluble dilemma for evolutionists.

35- Bone Cells That Sculpt Cannot Be the Products of Chance

The cells found in bone known as osteoclasts enable changes in the shape and size of bones and let them in time increase to adult dimensions by carving away in certain areas of bone. They also decrease the size of protrusions on the bone surface. During the demolition process performed by osteoclasts, other cells known as osteoblasts begin to form new bone tissue to reconstitute the skeleton.

The cells perform the same task within the bones of every human being. They all know how to reduce and shape the bone surface. Aware of the differences between the skull and the thigh bone, they know how to shape any given bone, when to stop its growth, and how thick or thin the eventual bone is to be. These cells prepare the body's skeleton with the greatest care, just like a sculptor. It is Almighty God Who inspires every step taken by these cells that creates the hardness, length, shape, protrusions and cavities of every part of the skeleton.

1 Kasım 2007 Perşembe

26-How Did Different Species Come to Have Different DNA?

Evolutionists ascribe the origin of different species' different genetic characteristics to mutations-changes that, as you know, take place in DNA as a result of radiation or chemical effects. Yet these outside influences either damage DNA or else have no effects on it.

To clarify this with an example, let us record a very thorough history of the world on a computer. In the process, let us rewrite the book completely several times, and also ask the person typing it over to press the keyboard at random without actually looking at it. Could he improve this history book, or even complete it in the first place? Could a chapter titled "The History of Ancient Egypt" that did not already exist in ever come into being? The inevitable spelling mistakes can of course never improve or develop the book. On the contrary, they will impair it and damage its meaning. Yet evolutionists claim that, in effect, spelling mistakes can improve a book, making it more precise and sophisticated.

27- Who Established the Hierarchical Order in the Genes?

Certain genes have the ability to control others. For example, some "control" genes halt the gene that manufactures haemoglobin during childhood.

This fact requires careful reflection. Since genes are made up of molecules, how did these molecules set up such an organization among themselves? How can a molecule decide to halt a human being's growth and to transmit that decision to others, and how do those other molecules understand that signal and act upon it? From whom did those disciplined orders originate?

Moreover, trillions of genes have been flawlessly performing these functions with the same discipline, obedience, reason and apparent intent for millions of years. To claim that such an immaculate system came into being by chance is utterly nonsensical.

28- One Example of the Predicament in Which Evolutionists Find Themselves

Let evolutionists place large quantities of elements found in the structure of living things-such as phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, iron and magnesium-into a large container. Let them also add whatever other materials not actually present under normal conditions, but which they may deem necessary. Let them also mix in as much amino acids (which cannot form spontaneously in the Earth's atmosphere) and as many proteins (even though not a single protein can form by chance) as they wish.

To this mixture, let them apply as much heat and moisture as they desire. Then let them agitate it with whatever advanced equipment they choose. Let them have teams of eminent scientists stand watch over the container for billions or even trillions of years. Let them be free to apply whatever conditions they may believe to be necessary in order for life to form. No matter what they do they will definitely never be able to produce a living organism from it, much less a human being. They will definitely be unable to produce any of the countless living species on Earth, such as giraffes, lions, bees, canaries, nightingales, parrots, horses, dolphins, roses, orchids, irises, carnations, bananas, oranges, apples, dates, tomatoes, melons, water melons, figs, olives, grapes, peaches, peacocks, leeches or brightly-colored butterflies. They will be unable to produce even a single cell, let alone any one of these many life forms.

In short, unconscious, insentient atoms cannot combine together to form a cell. Neither can they subsequently decide to divide that cell into two, and then take further decisions and create creative humans who invent the electron microscope and then examine the structure of their own cells under it. Matter is an inanimate, unconscious substance, and finds life only through God's sublime inspiration.

The theory of evolution, on the other hand, which maintains the exact opposite, is merely nonsense. Just a little consideration of about the irrational claims made by evolutionists will make this crystal clear.

29- The Theory of Evolution Cannot Explain the Creation in Living Things

If you see an ink stain on a piece of paper, you naturally assume that an ink has been spilled on the paper, forming a random shape. But should you see handwriting on that same paper that reads, "Call your father," you can safely assume that this has not appeared haphazardly. Even if the writer of the note is not in the room, you know that this is a meaningful, purposeful message written by a conscious individual.

Alternatively, when you see a beautiful picture, you know that this is the product of a skilled and knowledgeable intelligent artist, even if you cannot actually see the artist who painted it.

You never imagine that this picture has come into being through paints being flung at it at random. The same applies to the flawless features in living things. Their immaculate and extraordinary engineering clearly show that they cannot be the work of chance, but are rather the product of a Superior Creator. In the face of this truth, the theory of evolution is now in a state of collapse. The superior creation in living things is the work of God, the Lord of all the worlds.

30- The Irreducible Complexity in Living Things Invalidates the Theory of Evolution

The intricate complexity of anatomical systems makes the stage-by-stage development espoused by evolutionists completely impossible. For example, it is impossible for organs such as the tear gland, retina or iris, some of the components of the eye, to have formed separately, in gradual stages. Eyesight can take place only after all the components of the eyeball are present and fully functioning. If even one is missing or deficient, eye will be useless. And, according to the theory of evolution, any functionless organ should be eliminated by way of "natural selection."