27 Eylül 2007 Perşembe

13- Evolutionists' Ape-Man Stories Are not Based on Any Evidence

The pre-eminent deception of Darwinism is that human beings evolved from ape-like creatures-a claim that's been imposed on the popular imagination by way of countless of imaginary drawings and models. In fact, there is no evidence that such "ape-men" ever lived. Australopithecus, commonly depicted as today's man's earliest ancestor, of, was in fact an extinct species of ape not so very different from chimpanzees. Classifications such as Homo erectus, Homo sapiens neandertalensis and Homo sapiens archaic, which follow Australopithecus in the so-called family tree of humans, are actually different human races. The small anatomical differences between these classifications and today's man can also be observed among different races alive today, such as native Australians, pygmies and Inuit, or Eskimos.

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